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❮ 2016 AFL Team Rankings 2018 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2017 Statistics Sorted by Clangers 2017 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Tigers 25 5153 4207 9360 2257 264 182 1263 267 1659 1142 529 469 922 1478 960 39338 40976
2 Crows 25 5168 4271 9439 1985 292 194 1258 255 1850 995 500 497 951 1454 908 39373 39674
3 Cats 25 5087 3960 9047 2154 299 204 1270 290 1919 1041 526 514 947 1373 907 39374 40327
4 Eagles 24 5126 4363 9489 2152 295 217 1292 289 1662 1117 426 455 953 1299 795 39394 40012
5 Swans 24 5160 3933 9093 2297 260 167 1197 245 1732 1004 483 453 849 1285 844 39052 39267
6 Power 23 4852 4000 8852 2116 251 147 1125 243 1595 840 469 441 886 1275 934 36972 37362
7 Giants 25 5073 4036 9109 2194 298 194 1295 269 1628 963 525 470 877 1274 907 38476 39908
8 Demons 22 4557 3728 8285 1943 280 201 1125 254 1620 1043 414 410 830 1232 818 35552 35757
9 Lions 22 4805 3580 8385 2149 367 269 1339 324 1324 796 399 446 855 1210 664 35647 37942
10 Saints 22 4665 4010 8675 2232 291 209 1146 240 1375 780 374 391 734 1193 775 36142 35882
11 Bombers 23 4956 3643 8599 2265 307 191 1240 283 1379 864 427 418 831 1184 783 36579 37119
12 Blues 22 4546 3830 8376 1988 299 200 1165 244 1507 809 411 440 790 1180 739 35194 37088
13 Bulldogs 22 4659 3783 8442 2179 279 196 1091 239 1604 998 371 433 794 1163 861 36433 36324
14 Kangaroos 22 4640 4059 8699 2052 331 244 1215 278 1459 858 396 434 869 1163 784 36195 37630
15 Dockers 22 4902 3928 8830 2305 317 217 1163 258 1468 780 414 376 797 1147 749 37536 38560
16 Magpies 22 4592 3752 8344 2113 287 197 1107 241 1526 736 349 394 768 1140 845 35542 35557
17 Hawks 22 4662 4044 8706 2107 301 212 1126 249 1536 958 391 363 821 1093 724 36805 36381
18 Suns 22 4772 3723 8495 2124 337 237 1233 289 1522 784 384 382 769 1086 727 36507 37365
❮ 2016 AFL Team Rankings 2018 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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