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❮ 2018 AFL Team Rankings 2020 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2019 Statistics Sorted by Effective Disposals 2019 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Giants 26 6033 3817 9850 2669 322 229 1339 271 1660 1010 446 548 1089 1500 1051 42350 44978
2 Magpies 24 5521 4112 9633 2502 290 191 1244 258 1514 1127 475 386 872 1300 911 40737 41502
3 Bulldogs 23 5130 3849 8979 2122 287 211 1274 274 1428 562 478 385 848 1159 864 37007 38802
4 Tigers 25 5308 3837 9145 2200 322 229 1395 271 1570 804 461 491 851 1457 957 38411 41128
5 Cats 25 5434 3686 9120 2261 320 233 1305 269 1654 893 470 446 992 1329 979 39244 42756
6 Crows 22 4946 3703 8649 2081 256 165 1121 240 1392 903 405 332 839 1116 900 36093 36461
7 Kangaroos 22 4459 3833 8292 1791 265 187 1140 234 1258 866 427 420 789 1176 822 33262 36594
8 Power 22 5009 3684 8693 1932 257 177 1279 264 1416 961 431 435 911 1231 798 35703 37474
9 Eagles 24 5432 3016 8448 2383 309 211 1211 232 1385 873 456 451 946 1257 946 37023 39646
10 Lions 24 5414 3076 8490 2148 307 192 1345 307 1529 1036 497 500 1005 1368 941 37065 40327
11 Bombers 23 4927 3521 8448 2015 256 169 1154 227 1419 741 428 438 838 1298 969 35116 37070
12 Hawks 22 4768 3328 8096 2018 250 185 1159 242 1422 948 382 425 764 1197 818 34439 36031
13 Swans 22 4797 3362 8159 2000 248 169 1049 218 1455 628 390 449 766 1230 975 34277 36427
14 Saints 22 4693 3235 7928 1999 233 175 1122 247 1418 695 398 433 844 1139 813 33611 35736
15 Dockers 22 4753 3486 8239 1881 225 150 1134 229 1278 859 402 386 832 1206 869 33617 35356
16 Demons 22 4665 3328 7993 1917 223 165 1189 231 1347 1035 409 435 860 1306 830 33448 34992
17 Blues 22 4813 2969 7782 1990 231 158 1055 223 1378 852 399 445 889 1269 904 33344 34792
18 Suns 22 4629 2928 7557 1908 194 125 995 187 1406 1172 437 382 884 1226 913 32877 33030
❮ 2018 AFL Team Rankings 2020 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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