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Draft held at the end of AFL Season Type Sort By
2016 AFL National Draft 2017 Pre-Season Draft2017 Rookie Draft 2018 AFL National Draft
  2017 AFL National Draft Summary  
RoundPick Drafted By Player Current Team Games Since
1 1 Brisbane Cameron Rayner Brisbane 131
1 2 Fremantle Andrew Brayshaw Fremantle 141
1 3 Carlton Paddy Dow St Kilda 79
1 4 North Melbourne Luke Davies-Uniacke North Melbourne 103
1 5 Fremantle Adam Cerra Carlton 127
1 6 Collingwood Jaidyn Stephenson North Melbourne 120
1 7 St Kilda Hunter Clark St Kilda 94
1 8 St Kilda Nicholas Coffield Western Bulldogs 57
1 9 Western Bulldogs Aaron Naughton Western Bulldogs 137
1 10 Carlton Lochie O'Brien   66
1 11 GWS Aiden Bonar   34
1 12 Adelaide Darcy Fogarty Adelaide 97
1 13 West Coast Jarrod Brander   27
1 14 Sydney Matthew Ling   4
1 15 Brisbane Zac Bailey Brisbane 131
1 16 Western Bulldogs Ed Richards Western Bulldogs 119
1 17 Richmond Jack Higgins St Kilda 117
1 18 Brisbane Brandon Starcevich Brisbane 110
1 19 Gold Coast Wil Powell Gold Coast 100
2 20 Richmond Callum Coleman-Jones North Melbourne 31
2 21 West Coast Oscar Allen West Coast 88
2 22 Geelong Lachlan Fogarty Carlton 68
2 23 North Melbourne Will Walker   6
2 24 Geelong Tim Kelly West Coast 139
2 25 Richmond Noah Balta Richmond 99
2 26 West Coast Liam Ryan West Coast 101
2 27 GWS Brent Daniels GWS 100
2 28 GWS Sam Taylor GWS 104
2 29 Melbourne Charlie Spargo Melbourne 98
2 30 Carlton Tom De Koning Carlton 77
2 31 Melbourne Bayley Fritsch Melbourne 144
2 32 West Coast Brayden Ainsworth   15
2 33 Sydney Tom McCartin Sydney 125
2 34 Richmond Patrick Naish   20
2 35 St Kilda Oscar Clavarino   5
2 36 Geelong Charlie Constable   16
2 37 Melbourne Harrison Petty Melbourne 77
2 38 West Coast Jack Petruccelle West Coast 85
3 39 Collingwood Nathan Murphy Collingwood 57
3 40 Adelaide Andrew McPherson   28
3 41 Brisbane Toby Wooller   0
3 42 Gold Coast Charlie Ballard Gold Coast 128
3 43 Brisbane Connor Ballenden   3
3 44 Fremantle Hugh Dixon   11
3 45 Hawthorn James Worpel Hawthorn 120
3 46 St Kilda Ben Paton St Kilda 71
3 47 Port Adelaide Sam Hayes   11
3 48 Melbourne Oskar Baker Western Bulldogs 39
3 49 Essendon Jordan Houlahan   0
3 50 Collingwood Tyler Brown   28
3 51 Port Adelaide Kane Farrell Port Adelaide 89
3 52 Gold Coast Brayden Crossley   10
3 53 Sydney Ryley Stoddart   6
3 54 Brisbane Jack Payne Brisbane 64
3 55 Gold Coast Connor Nutting   0
4 56 GWS Zac Langdon   56
4 57 Geelong Gryan Miers Geelong 124
4 58 Port Adelaide Jake Patmore   0
4 59 Fremantle Mitchell Crowden   42
4 60 Port Adelaide Joel Garner   4
4 61 Port Adelaide Dom Barry   5
4 62 North Melbourne Kyron Hayden   17
4 63 Richmond Ben Miller Richmond 41
4 64 GWS Nicholas Shipley   6
4 65 Fremantle Tom North   0
4 66 Essendon Brandon Zerk-Thatcher Port Adelaide 70
4 67 Hawthorn Dylan Moore Hawthorn 93
4 68 West Coast Hamish Brayshaw   1
4 69 Fremantle Lloyd Meek Hawthorn 45
4 70 Carlton Angus Schumacher   1
5 71 Hawthorn Jackson Ross   0
5 72 North Melbourne Tristan Xerri North Melbourne 51
5 73 Fremantle Sam Switkowski Fremantle 83
5 74 Western Bulldogs Callum Porter   1
5 75 Fremantle Scott Jones   6
5 76 Essendon Matt Guelfi Essendon 108
5 77 North Melbourne Billy Hartung   13
5 78 Carlton Jarrod Garlett   13
2016 AFL National Draft 2017 Pre-Season Draft2017 Rookie Draft 2018 AFL National Draft
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