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Draft held at the end of AFL Season Type Sort By
1990 AFL Mid-Season Draft 1991 National Draft1991 Pre-Season Draft1991 Pre-Draft Selections  
  1991 AFL Mid-Season Selections Summary  
Pick Drafted By Player Current Team Games Since
1 Brisbane John Parker   3
2 Melbourne Greg Doyle   29
3 Richmond Ian Herman   17
4 North Melbourne Tim Perkins   0
5 Sydney Dwaine Kretschmer   0
6 Adelaide Jim West   15
7 Essendon Kane Batzloff   0
8 Hawthorn Greg Lochhead   0
9 Fitzroy David Johnston   37
10 Carlton Brent Heaver   83
11 Collingwood James McLure   3
12 St Kilda Garry Merritt   0
13 West Coast Damien Hampson   6
14 Geelong Andrew MacNish   3
15 Western Bulldogs Julian Shanks   0
16 Brisbane Brad Pearce   79
17 Melbourne Matthew Febey   143
18 Richmond Andrew Tarpey   5
19 North Melbourne Mark Attard   3
20 Sydney Peter Baldwin   0
21 Adelaide Andrew Geddes   0
22 Essendon John McNamara   0
23 Hawthorn Michael Blood   0
24 Carlton Justin Clarkson   3
25 Collingwood Ian McMullin   23
26 St Kilda Stephen Edgar   8
27 Geelong Mark Ballan   0
28 Western Bulldogs Brian McInnes   0
29 Brisbane Brian Stanislaus   1
30 Richmond Tim Livingstone   8
31 Sydney Paul McMaster   0
32 Adelaide Alan Schwartz   0
33 Essendon Eric Lissenden   2
34 Hawthorn Kevin O'Donnell   0
35 Carlton David Glascott   5
36 Collingwood Daniel Tramontana   0
37 Geelong Darren King   0
38 Brisbane Adam Aherne   0
39 Sydney Daryn Cresswell   244
40 Essendon Daniel Winkel   0
41 Hawthorn Anthony McDonald   104
42 Collingwood Darren Fraser   0
43 Brisbane Brett Sherriff   0
44 Sydney Paul Atkins   2
45 Essendon Mark Garthwaite   0
46 Hawthorn Travis St Clair   0
47 Collingwood Jon Hassall   94
48 Sydney Stephen Pears   0
49 Collingwood Nick Probert   0
1990 AFL Mid-Season Draft 1991 National Draft1991 Pre-Season Draft1991 Pre-Draft Selections  
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