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Anthony Scott

Age: 29yr 4mth    Games: 59     Born: February 28, 1995     Origin: Footscray
Height: 181cm     Weight: 79kg     Position: Midfield, Forward
Drafted: 2021 SSP Recruit
Supercoach Price: $287,300   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $375,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
Status: Head injury, Expected return: TBC   AFL Injury List
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Anthony Scott Biography

Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Anthony Scott signs a contract extension to remain with the Western Bulldogs until the end of 2023.

"It's been an amazing year, definitely the best year of my life thus far. With the uncertainty that last year brought in terms of footy where I didn't actually play a game for points the whole year and then to get an opportunity with the Dogs at the start of this year and to work my way onto the list and to be now sitting where we are is pretty special," Scott said.

"It's definitely reward for so much hard work that I've put in, not just this year but the last five, six, seven years through playing in the VFL and a bit of amateurs footy as well. But to have two years in front of me now at an AFL club fills me with a lot of confidence and personal belief. I think it's going to give me the opportunity to flourish even more."

Friday, 19 March 2021
Anthony Scott makes his AFL debut for the Western Bulldogs at the MCG with 16 disposals (9 kicks and 7 handballs), a mark and a tackle in a 16-point win over Collingwood.
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Anthony Scott earns a rookie spot in 2021 with the Western Bulldogs via the Pre-Season Supplemental Selection Period after impressing during his train-on stint with them.

It was reported that Scott also met with Essendon before committing to the Dogs.

Saturday, 15 September 2018
Two AFL clubs have expressed interest in former VFL midfielder Anthony Scott after a stellar season with Old Trinity in the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA).

The 23-year-old is set to meet the Bulldogs next week, while his management has been in talks with the Saints' newly appointed list manager James Gallagher.

Scott played eight games in the TAC Cup for Oakleigh Chargers in 2013, before earning the VAFA Rising Star award the following year and a position on Richmond's VFL list ahead of 2015.

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