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Josh Corbett

Age: 28yr 3mth    Games: 41     Born: April 23, 1996     Origin: Werribee
Height: 190cm     Weight: 88kg     Position: Forward
Supercoach Price: $145,800   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $315,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
Status: Hip/Groin injury, Expected return: Season   AFL Injury List
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Josh Corbett Biography

Friday, 27 October 2023
Josh Corbett will miss the 2024 season due to a hip injury.

Corbett, 27, will undergo hip surgery in late November and has been placed on the Dockers' long-term injury list.

Thursday, 6 October 2022
The Suns trade Josh Corbett to Fremantle in exchange for a future fourth-round pick.
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Josh Corbett will make his AFL debut for Gold Coast this week against Brisbane.

"I feel like a little kid at Christmas. It's an absolute honour," he said.

"I'm trying to treat it like any other game. I don't have a routine, I like to go with the flow. I just can't wait to get out there."

An accidental poke in the eye last year almost cost Corbett more than his chance at progressing with footy.

"I was blind in my left eye for a month. I thought maybe my eyesight would play up and wondered whether I could see again," he said.

"I hadn't experienced many injuries in my life, and that was very strange and out of the blue. It put everything into perspective.

"I love my football, but you only get two eyes and you want to use them as long as you can. It wasn't about footy, it was about my health."

Josh Corbett makes his AFL debut for Gold Coast with 6 disposals (3 kicks and 3 handballs), 3 marks and 2 goals in a 49-point loss to Brisbane.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Gold Coast sign their mature-age recruits on four-year deals.

State league signings Josh Corbett (Werribee) and Chris Burgess (West Adelaide) have put pen to paper on contracts tying them to the club until the end of 2022.

Thursday, 15 November 2018
In the space of a month, Josh Corbett has gone from lugging around 25kg bags of fertilizer to make a living, to living his AFL dream with Gold Coast.

The high-flying forward is less than two weeks into his Suns' career and is beaming over the turn his life has taken.

"I'm just trying to be a big sponge and take it all in. I've just loved every minute of it," Corbett said.

Corbett said it was his attention to detail 12 months ago and hard work that helped him burst to prominence in 2018.

"I worked on my strength. I worked on my marking," he said.

"My goalkicking was down and I did a lot of work on that. If you're a forward, you've got to kick goals. I think it's given me the opportunity to be in the position I am now, which is fantastic."

Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Suns VFL recruit Josh Corbett reveals he was blinded in one eye for three weeks after a nasty football injury.

"I went up and a straight finger poked me in the eye. There was a little bit of a blood clot in the front of the eye and I missed the rest of the year," he said.

"It pretty much blinded my eye for about three weeks and I was just bed-ridden for a while.

"It was a pretty long and slow process, and a pretty random injury. I'm pretty lucky to have vision in both my eyes though, so I count myself pretty lucky."

Monday, 8 October 2018
Gold Coast signs Josh Corbett under the AFL's special assistance package.

Corbett had an impressive campaign for Werribee in 2018, winning the VFL's most promising player award.

Sunday, 24 June 2018
Four AFL recruiters have already met with Josh Corbett, with suggestions he could be selected inside the top 30 of the draft.

Free of a lingering and debilitating dose of glandular fever, Corbett has taken the VFL by storm in 2018.

The 190cm North Warrnambool product leads the state league in contested marks (3.4 per game) and marks inside 50 (4.1), and his 8.2 total marks each week ranks second among forwards.

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