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Paddy Dow

#15   St Kilda Saints
Age: 24yr 9mth    Games: 79     Born: October 16, 1999     Origin: Bendigo Pioneers
Height: 184cm     Weight: 83kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #3 2017 National Draft by Carlton Blues
Supercoach Price: $323,700   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $535,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2026   AFL Player Contracts
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Paddy Dow Biography

Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Carlton list manager Nick Austin hopes the club will be able to facilitate a trade for outgoing midfielder Paddy Dow, as the out-of-favour midfielder looks for opportunities elsewhere.

Dow was on the outside looking in for much of 2022, making only four appearances for the season, two of those coming as an unused medical sub, despite exceptional form at VFL level.

"The guys we brought in through trade last year have kind of meant opportunities at AFL level, particularly for Paddy, have dried up," Austin said.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Carlton champion Greg Williams delivers some blunt advice for 2018 AFL Draft No.3 pick Paddy Dow who was dumped from the Blues' line-up to tackle Sydney, just two games after returning from a long-running knee injury.

"I thought just watching him, he's just not desperate enough, not going hard enough and I'm pretty blunt, but I think you get what you deserve." Williams, who has recently coached Dow on a personal level, told SEN.

"Teaguey's (coach David Teague) obviously made it hard for him to get a game which is a good thing because he got a lot of games early, just straight in because he was a low pick."

Saturday, 4 April 2020
Brothers Paddy Dow and Thomson Dow are using time away from their clubs during the suspension of the 2020 AFL Season to train together and help their parents' fruit farm.

"If I was in Melbourne I would've been training by myself with all these new guidelines and rules, so to have Thomson here and to be training with him is really good," Paddy said.

"I've never liked training by myself, I feel like it can get a bit depressing at times but to have someone with you makes it so much more enjoyable."

Thursday, 14 November 2019
Paddy Dow says he would love to have his brother and draft prospect, Thomson Dow, play alongside him at Carlton.

"It would be awesome," Paddy said.

"I've been trying to have a bit of a joke with 'Stuka' (Carlton recruiting manager Paul Brodie) and (list manager) Mick Agresta and the other recruiters, just to get them on board.

"I think our picks are a bit out of the way for 'Thommo', so I'm not expecting much. But it would be awesome, I'd absolutely love it."

Friday, 3 May 2019
Greg Williams accepts an invitation from co-captain Patrick Cripps and emerging onballer Paddy Dow to provide them with personalised coaching.
Monday, 25 June 2018
Paddy Dow reaches the 20-possession plateau for the first time against Collingwood and is rewarded with the round 14 NAB AFL Rising Star nomination.

"I'm just getting experience each week and gaining confidence at that higher level, which is worth its weight in gold," Dow said.

"It means a lot to me, being recognised for individual performance, especially in a game where we really fought hard against a quality side like Collingwood."

Thursday, 22 March 2018
Paddy Dow makes his AFL debut for Carlton at the MCG with 11 disposals (5 kicks and 6 handballs), a mark and 5 tackles in a 26-point loss to Richmond.
Friday, 16 March 2018
Carlton has wasted no time in extending the contract of boom draftee Paddy Dow, re-signing the tough midfielder until the end of the 2022 season.

"Now I'm focusing on earning a call up in the side, whenever that may be, and contributing to our team's success," Dow said.

"I want to go out there and keep earning the respect of my teammates and keep improving as a midfielder, learning from the likes of Marc Murphy and Patrick Cripps."

Monday, 5 March 2018
Shane Savage has accepted a $2000 fine for engaging in rough conduct for the collision that saw young Blue Paddy Dow chip his front tooth during the JLT Community Series.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
The brilliance of Carlton midfielder Paddy Dow's first-up performance in the Blues' pre-season clash against St Kilda has been enhanced after it emerged he played much of the contest with damage to his two front teeth.

Dow copped a bump in the first half from St Kilda backman Shane Savage but stayed on the park to help his side to an impressive 22-point win.

"He lost his two front teeth I think tonight. When you've got a first-round draft pick willing to put his head over the ball like that, I think it gives his players a lot of belief and trust in him," Blues assistant coach David Teague said.

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