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Eric Hipwood

#30   Brisbane Lions
Age: 26yr 10mth    Games: 170     Born: September 13, 1997     Origin: Aspley
Height: 203cm     Weight: 94kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #14 2015 National Draft by Brisbane Lions
Supercoach Price: $366,300   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $621,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2029   AFL Player Contracts
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Eric Hipwood Biography

Saturday, 16 October 2021
Eric Hipwood is ahead of schedule in his recovery from knee surgery and could be back in Brisbane's team by the middle of 2022.

"Eric's tracking really nicely, probably a couple of weeks ahead of where he's meant to be. We're not putting any round figure on when he should be back, but ultimately it could be round 10 or 12 all things being equal and everything going well," Lions football manager Danny Daly said.

Monday, 12 July 2021
Eric Hipwood will miss the rest of the 2021 season after rupturing his ACL against St Kilda at Metricon Stadium.
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Eric Hipwood kicks a career-high six goals in Brisbane's 65-point win against Carlton at the Gabba.

"I thought today he played a really selfless game and still kicked six goals," Brisbane coach Chris Fagan said.

"Every time the ball had to be given to someone else today, he did what he needed to do and sometimes when you're on a roll like that you can get a little on the selfish side, but to his credit he didn't, so I'm really pleased for him."

Friday, 25 August 2017
Eric Hipwood signs a new deal with the Lions that will keep him at the club until the end of 2020.

"We've had our ups and downs but I feel like we've improved a lot from last year. I can see that improvement and I wanted to jump on board," Hipwood said.

"It just felt like David Noble and Chris Fagan, they're the right men for the job and felt like the club was heading in the right direction."

Sunday, 16 July 2017
Lions coach Chris Fagan says the time will come when young forwards Josh Schache and Eric Hipwood's time will dominate against defenders they currently struggle against.

"They'll get bigger and stronger," Fagan said.

"Their days are ahead of them I think, where they might be able to get some revenge on some of the older defenders that are a bit bigger and stronger than them at them at the moment."

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Eric Hipwood is the round five NAB AFL Rising Star nominee.

Hipwood is fast becoming one of the best young players in the competition, and a three-goal first half against the Western Bulldogs put him in the running to be this year's Rising Star.

Hipwood has made big strides early in his second season, with his pack-crashing marks a highlight.

"It's just my competitiveness," he said.

"I just can't stand losing, I hate it. I take it back to when I was a kid, it could be anything, riding your bike, who was quicker. I hate losing."

Saturday, 18 June 2016
Eric Hipwood makes his AFL debut for Brisbane at the Gabba with 9 disposals (6 kicks and 3 handballs), 2 marks, 3 tackles and a goal in a 49-point loss to West Coast.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Brisbane select Eric Hipwood pick No.14 in the 2015 NAB AFL Draft.

"A competitive player, he can play inside and out, has been a strong performer for our NEAFL side and we're looking for him to play some senior football next year," Brisbane recruiting manager Stephen Conole said of Hipwood.

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