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Nic Newman

#24   Carlton Blues
Age: 31yr 6mth    Games: 129     Born: January 15, 1993     Origin: Frankston
Height: 186cm     Weight: 80kg     Position: Defender
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #35 2014 Rookie Draft by Sydney Swans
Supercoach Price: $506,200   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $871,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
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Nic Newman Biography

Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Richmond will welcome back former captain Chris Newman as an assistant coach in 2024.

The 41-year-old Newman has spent the past eight seasons at Hawthorn, where he has held various roles across different lines, and led VFL affiliate Box Hill to the 2018 premiership after finishing sixth on the ladder.

Monday, 22 February 2021
Nic Newman is set to miss the start of the season after another knee setback.

The 28-year-old ruptured his patella tendon in round two last year and missed the remainder of the season. However, his latest complaint is centred on the area behind his kneecap

Saturday, 13 June 2020
Nic Newman sustains a serious patella tendon injury after landing awkwardly following a marking contest in the dying stages of Carlton's match against Melbourne.

Newman was writhing in pain before being helped from the field on a stretcher after a long delay.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Sydney trade Nic Newman to Carlton with just minutes remaining in the 2018 AFL Trade Period.

The Blues exchanged a future fourth-round draft pick in order to secure Newman, who leaves the Swans after 31 games across four years with the club.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018
After securing the services of Jared Polec and Jasper Pittard, the Kangaroos drop off their pursuit Jeremy Finlayson and Nic Newman.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Nic Newman meets with North Melbourne as he weighs up his future.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Nic Newman appears likely to depart the Harbour City side after two seasons on the club's senior list.

Newman has been in the sights of former Swans assistant coach Stuart Dew at Gold Coast, but that is far from a lock.

Sunday, 9 September 2018
Toby Greene is under scrutiny again for his unconventional marking technique.

In the dying stages of the Giants' win over the Swans, as he stood his ground in a marking contest, Greene thrust out his right boot, parallel to the ground, and made contact with the midriff of Swan Nic Newman. Greene marked on his chest and wasn’t penalised by the umpire.

The incident sparked memories of the decision in 2017 to fine Greene $1,500 for making contact with the face of Luke Dahlhaus with his boot.

Friday, 31 March 2017
Nic Newman makes his AFL debut for Sydney at Docklands Stadium with 16 disposals (6 kicks and 10 handballs), 4 marks, 6 tackles and a goal in a 23-point loss to the Western Bulldogs.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Rookie Nic Newman's outstanding NEAFL season has earned him a new two-year deal with the Sydney Swans and a spot on the club's senior list from 2017.

"Nic had a really challenging first year at the club. He actually injured his knee in the final training session before last season's rookie draft and had an interrupted pre-season," Swans football manager Tom Harley said.

"It's fair to say we put it to Nic this year and said, 'It's really important for you to make sure you have a really strong off-season and give yourself the best opportunity'. And he did that."

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