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Kamdyn McIntosh

#33   Richmond Tigers
Age: 30yr 3mth    Games: 185     Born: April 3, 1994     Origin: Peel Thunder
Height: 191cm     Weight: 92kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #31 2012 National Draft by Richmond Tigers
Supercoach Price: $269,500   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $435,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
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Kamdyn McIntosh Biography

Sunday, 25 October 2020
After being left out of Richmond's 2019 premiership side, Kamdyn McIntosh appreciates being part of the Tigers' 2020 flag-winning team.

"I think about the hard road I had to go down of not getting a gig (last year) and working my way back into the side, it was pretty hard," he said.

"I thought not playing in that team and the last five games of that season, my head was on the chopping board and they might be moving on to younger players. I had a little chip on my shoulder and wanted to come back and cement my spot again. This is just unbelievable."

Thursday, 22 October 2020
After missing out on being part of Richmond's premiership-winning team as an emergency, Kamdyn McIntosh will play in the 2020 Grand Final when the Tigers take on Geelong.

"I very much did feel a part of that Grand Final, even though I wasn't playing. I felt like that week I was able to be up and about for the boys. I knew I was there to help them out," McIntosh said.

McIntosh was contracted for the 2020 season, and there were reports that he was potentially looking elsewhere after his season ended in dual disappointment.

"When you go through something like last year, there's always thoughts that pop up - where the club sees me in the side, do they value me, or do they need me? But at the end of the season, I ultimately wanted to stay," McIntosh said.

"I went away knowing I still had two years at Richmond, and I was asking myself what I wanted it to look like," he said. I went there with the intent to train hard, get my body right, so I could come back in pre-season and really hit it hard. That's what I did. I set personal bests in the gym, on the running track, I was training in the backline and learning another role."

Friday, 31 January 2020
Following a low-grade syndesmosis to his right ankle, Kamdyn McIntosh will not require surgery. However, no timeframe has been put on his return.
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Kamdyn McIntosh is sent for scans after suffering a lower leg injury during a training incident at the club's pre-season camp on the Gold Coast.
Friday, 21 July 2017
Kamdyn McIntosh signs a new two-year deal with Richmond that will keep him at the club until the end of 2019.

"He's an important player to us and we're really pleased with the way he's developed and will continue to develop," Richmond list manager Dan Richardson said.

"Kamdyn's strengths are his running power and his speed, and we've got him to play some roles as a taller defender and a mix between half-back and wing."

Thursday, 12 May 2016
Kamdyn McIntosh faces at least two months on the sidelines after suffering a syndesmosis sprain to his right ankle during training.

The 22-year-old will be in a moon boot for the next three weeks and has been placed on the long-term injury list.

Friday, 26 June 2015
Kamdyn McIntosh will remain a Tiger until at least the end of 2017 after confirming a new two-year deal with Richmond.

"We have always believed in Kamdyn's ability to make an impact at AFL level," Tigers football manager Dan Richardson said.

"He has been unlucky with some injuries over the last few seasons, but he has worked extremely hard to get himself ready for an opportunity at AFL level.

"It's pleasing to see him get some continuity in his football, and make an important contribution to the team each week.

"It will be exciting watching him develop over the course of his career, and we look forward to seeing many more games from him in Tiger colours."

Monday, 6 April 2015
Kamdyn McIntosh's memorable AFL debut earns him the round one NAB AFL Rising Star nomination.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Kamdyn McIntosh impresses for the Tigers in his AFL debut, picking up 23 disposals, 9 marks and a goal against Carlton in Richmond's 2015 season opener.

"I'm pretty rattled that I played as good as I did. I've always dreamt of something like this and to play in front of a crowd like that," McIntosh said after the game.

"I was pretty nervous at the start. Growing up I barracked for Carlton. To play on Juddy – I idolised him as a kid growing up when he was at West Coast and then when he changed to Carlton – so to line-up on Juddy was a pretty big thrill."

Plucked with pick 31 overall in the 2012 NAB AFL Draft, the Pinjarra product arrived at Richmond with a soccer background, massive engine, a turn of pace and, clearly, a ton of composure.

Cut down by a shoulder injury in his debut season and foot stress fracture late last year, McIntosh was only offered a one-year contract extension to remain at Punt Road in 2015.

Early signs are a new deal might not be far away.

Thursday, 2 April 2015
Kamdyn Mcintosh makes his AFL debut for Richmond at the MCG with 23 disposals (14 kicks and 9 handballs), 9 marks, 2 tackles and a goal in a 27-point win over Carlton.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Yet-to-debut Richmond youngsters Liam McBean and Kamdyn McIntosh have re-signed with the club.

"Liam and Kamdyn have shown significant improvement over their two seasons at the club so far, and we believe they will continue to progress to become senior players in the future," Richmond football manager Dan Richardson said.

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