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Tom Clurey

Age: 30yr 4mth    Games: 124     Born: March 23, 1994     Origin: Murray Bushrangers
Height: 193cm     Weight: 95kg     Position: Defender
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #29 2012 National Draft by Port Adelaide Power
Supercoach Price: $145,900   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $305,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
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Tom Clurey Biography

Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Tom Clurey will remain at Port Adelaide until the end of 2023 after signing a new four-year contract with the club.

"I have loved my time at Port Adelaide so far, and I am really excited by the group we have," Clurey said.

"As a defensive unit we are jelling really well, but we are always looking at areas where we can improve."

Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Tom Clurey signs a two-year contract extension to remain at the Power until the end of 2019.

Clurey has cemented his spot in the side after just nine games in his first three seasons.

"The first few years were a little bit difficult, but I knew I had to get that consistency in my game and there were plenty of things I had to work on," Clurey said.

"I knew if I kept improving each year and kept working hard throughout the pre-seasons, and when I did get an opportunity, I would make it stick.

"It's good it's finally paid off."

Friday, 5 June 2015
Clurey, who was due to fall out of contract at the end of the season, has inked a new two-year deal which will tie him to Port until the end of the 2017 season.

He has vowed to fight the four established key backmen ahead of him in the pecking order at Alberton for a spot in the Power’s best 22 rather than opt for a move to a key defender-starved club, such as Brisbane, which could have offered him the chance to be a regular starter.

“I’m happy in Adelaide and I want to give back to the club that drafted me and has been loyal to me,’’ Clurey said.

“I still think I can fit into the team if I continue to put my best foot forward and continue to improve.

“Kenny (coach Ken Hinkley) has told me he’s obviously not going to just give me a spot and that I have to earn it.

“I realise that and I’m prepared to keep fighting hard for it and keep getting the job done, whether that’s in the SANFL or AFL."

Saturday, 17 January 2015
Jackson Trengove is ruled out of Port Adelaide's round one side due to a shoulder injury but it may open the door for Tom Clurey.

"Tommy Clurey's probably the first guy that comes to mind in terms of a young up-and-coming key defender … he now gets even more of an opportunity to show he's up to it," Port defence coach Matthew Nicks said.

"It was hard for him last year, he was playing a slightly different role [in the SANFL] to what he would have played with us.

"We were playing him on key forwards, he's probably a second or third tall defender because he's got an elite engine."

Saturday, 29 March 2014
Tom Clurey admits he was shocked when Port Adelaide coach Ken Hinkley approached him prior to the club's round one match against Carlton and told him he'd be making his AFL debut.

"I was obviously hoping he was going to say I was in the team, but I was still a bit surprised and shocked," Clurey said.

"When I came back to training last November, my focus was just to get a full pre-season under my belt. I did that – I did nearly 100 per cent of training – and then my focus was to play all the NAB Challenge games.

"That all happened really quickly, and the next thing I knew it was round one already."

Sunday, 16 March 2014
Tom Clurey makes his AFL debut for Port Adelaide at Docklands Stadium with 7 disposals (6 kicks and a handball), 2 marks and a tackle in a 33-point win over Carlton.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Tom Clurey hopes to make his debut in 2014 for the Power and hopes to model his game after North Melbourne defender Scott Thompson.

"He's good one-on-one but he takes the game on too, which is something Kenny (Hinkley) is keen for me to do as well," Clurey said.

"They know I'm good offensively with the ball, but they just want me to keep working on my one-on-one defence and get bigger and stronger."

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