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Tim Boyle

Last played for Hawthorn Hawks in 2008
Games: 31     Born: January 28, 1984     Origin: Geelong Falcons
Playing Height: 193cm     Playing Weight: 95kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 4, Pick #51 2002 National Draft by Hawthorn Hawks
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Tim Boyle Biography

Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Hawthorn forward Tim Boyle has announced his retirement from AFL football.

"Tim can be satisfied he has given his all during his time at Hawthorn and has maintained a positive outlook," Hawthorn coach Alastair Clarkson said.

"It's been tough for him to get out there and be a regular contributor to the team; however when he was fit, particularly in season 2007, he showed he was a very important member of our side.

"He has prepared himself well for life after footy and we wish him well as he begins the next chapter of his life."

Monday, 4 May 2009
Just when Hawthorn thought their run of injuries had settled, young key forward Tim Boyle faces a season-ending knee reconstruction.

Boyle ruptured his right anterior cruciate ligament on Sunday while playing in the VFL with Box Hill.

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