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❮ 2019 AFL Team Rankings 2021 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2020 Statistics Sorted by Kicks 2020 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Tigers 21 3710 2621 6331 1502 153 98 820 164 959 596 384 314 643 984 761 25803 34654
2 Magpies 19 3449 2224 5673 1527 157 101 695 114 964 464 256 330 583 910 609 23991 30760
3 Cats 21 3297 2260 5557 1159 161 115 806 148 1151 677 349 307 623 908 661 23680 31847
4 Saints 19 3251 2398 5649 1391 163 110 767 163 847 459 300 292 544 867 581 23111 31008
5 Lions 19 3186 2207 5393 1176 158 114 767 136 984 556 300 309 586 922 663 22409 30401
6 Crows 17 3174 2054 5228 1359 190 131 788 143 1054 499 276 299 568 826 486 23058 30010
7 Power 19 3164 2261 5425 1159 138 95 697 129 980 616 275 325 565 948 683 22249 29673
8 Bulldogs 18 3145 2121 5266 1362 159 116 705 147 882 727 271 285 518 806 586 22498 29218
9 Suns 17 3143 2104 5247 1297 160 102 770 139 845 455 280 270 476 833 549 21898 29254
10 Bombers 17 3110 2083 5193 1335 172 117 735 153 764 514 291 242 492 744 532 21792 29052
11 Eagles 18 3088 2360 5448 1281 145 92 746 142 863 435 256 273 523 819 511 22136 29216
12 Hawks 17 3071 2354 5425 1260 175 117 726 144 820 465 300 230 529 758 511 22219 29817
13 Dockers 17 2992 2066 5058 1163 131 86 725 138 829 560 238 280 533 796 495 20759 27812
14 Demons 17 2990 2197 5187 1256 142 92 685 134 861 388 268 268 458 784 547 21388 28429
15 Swans 17 2970 1995 4965 1066 153 91 797 159 907 549 282 291 554 812 526 20729 28388
16 Giants 17 2966 1837 4803 1197 151 90 736 147 825 610 302 281 541 779 488 20556 27506
17 Blues 17 2940 1900 4840 1107 158 110 709 130 906 574 290 281 501 752 589 20641 28646
18 Kangaroos 17 2940 2199 5139 1122 170 105 765 185 920 446 273 314 491 770 525 21213 28903
❮ 2019 AFL Team Rankings 2021 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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