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Year Type Position Statistic Min Games
1973 AFL Player Rankings 1975 AFL Player Rankings
1974 AFL Rising Stars Goals Per Game Leaders
Rank Player Team Games Average
1 Simon Madden Essendon 6 3.00
2 Craig Davis Carlton 19 2.37
3 Robert Lamb Richmond 9 2.22
4 Kelvin Templeton Western Bulldogs 12 2.08
5 David Armour Geelong 2 2.00
5 John Preen Geelong 1 2.00
7 Ross Brewer Melbourne 22 1.82
8 Tim Evans Geelong 10 1.80
9 Arnold Briedis North Melbourne 24 1.75
9 Garry Foulds Essendon 8 1.75
11 Garry Davidson Geelong 3 1.67
12 Peter Bell St Kilda 10 1.50
12 Mark Dawson North Melbourne 2 1.50
12 David Legge St Kilda 2 1.50
15 Bill Picken Collingwood 17 1.47
16 Paul Sarah Geelong 22 1.45
17 Glynn Hewitt Richmond 9 1.44
18 Garry Wilson Fitzroy 21 1.38
19 Rodney Ashman Carlton 22 1.32
20 Graeme Wilson South Melbourne 10 1.30
21 John Hendrie Hawthorn 23 1.26
22 Robert Flower Melbourne 18 1.22
23 Gary Baker Melbourne 20 1.20
23 Max Crow Essendon 10 1.20
25 Rod Oborne Collingwood 13 1.15
26 Ray Shaw Collingwood 21 1.10
27 Wayne Schimmelbusch North Melbourne 26 1.00
27 Michael Tuck Hawthorn 23 1.00
27 Peter Williamson Melbourne 14 1.00
27 Dennis Collins Western Bulldogs 12 1.00
27 Noel Carter Richmond 4 1.00
27 Michael Browne Collingwood 3 1.00
27 Rene Kink Collingwood 3 1.00
27 Larry Donohue Geelong 2 1.00
27 Graeme Weatherley Fitzroy 2 1.00
36 Geoff Jennings Western Bulldogs 8 0.88
37 Gary Fitzpatrick Essendon 7 0.86
38 Geoff Ablett Hawthorn 25 0.80
38 Jeff Sarau St Kilda 20 0.80
38 Shane Fitzsimmons Melbourne 5 0.80
41 Pat Wellington Essendon 17 0.76
42 Graeme Schultz Essendon 16 0.75
42 Rob Newton Essendon 8 0.75
42 Ian Scrimshaw Hawthorn 4 0.75
45 Geoffrey Austen Fitzroy 19 0.74
46 Steven Smith Melbourne 17 0.71
47 Vic Aanensen South Melbourne 13 0.69
48 Renato Serafini Fitzroy 9 0.67
48 Peter Welsh Hawthorn 9 0.67
48 Chris Lynch Geelong 3 0.67
51 David Cloke Richmond 23 0.61
52 Kelvin Matthews Hawthorn 24 0.58
53 Don Whitford Fitzroy 7 0.57
54 Russ Hodges South Melbourne 18 0.50
54 Peter Hickmott Essendon 8 0.50
54 Ted Carroll Melbourne 2 0.50
54 Robert Wilkinson Hawthorn 2 0.50
58 Alan Goad Hawthorn 15 0.47
59 Peter Doyle Geelong 13 0.46
60 Bryan Wood Richmond 23 0.43
61 Frank Giampaolo Melbourne 12 0.42
62 Neville Taylor Fitzroy 17 0.41
63 Michael Norris South Melbourne 5 0.40
63 Terry Wheeler Western Bulldogs 5 0.40
65 Eric Pascoe Carlton 8 0.38
65 Allan Sinclair Fitzroy 8 0.38
67 Greg Wood Melbourne 11 0.36
68 Barry Beecroft South Melbourne 18 0.33
68 Alan Stoneham Western Bulldogs 18 0.33
68 Ian Dunstan Western Bulldogs 12 0.33
68 Mike Collins Melbourne 9 0.33
68 Bill Mildenhall St Kilda 6 0.33
68 Greg Towns Carlton 6 0.33
68 Ian Lewtas Geelong 3 0.33
75 Mark Browne Geelong 13 0.31
76 Phil Manassa Collingwood 24 0.29
76 Anthony Dullard Melbourne 17 0.29
76 Russell Ellen Essendon 7 0.29
76 Robert Muir St Kilda 7 0.29
80 Peter Slade Melbourne 15 0.27
81 Glenn Gingell Western Bulldogs 19 0.26
82 Robert Amos Essendon 12 0.25
82 Cameron Clayton Richmond 8 0.25
82 Wayne Bevan Hawthorn 4 0.25
82 Mark Cross Western Bulldogs 4 0.25
82 Alan Mangels Carlton 4 0.25
87 Neil Chamberlain Melbourne 9 0.22
87 Kevin Sheehan Geelong 9 0.22
89 Wayne Linton Fitzroy 5 0.20
89 Marty McMillan Western Bulldogs 5 0.20
89 Marty McMillan Richmond 5 0.20
89 Russell Muir North Melbourne 5 0.20
89 Steve Parsons Richmond 5 0.20
89 Robert Shaw Essendon 5 0.20
95 Ian Morrison Western Bulldogs 17 0.18
96 Stephen Clifford Collingwood 12 0.17
97 Bernie Jones Hawthorn 20 0.15
98 Russell Greene St Kilda 22 0.14
98 Jack Hawkins Geelong 22 0.14
98 Peter Keays Melbourne 7 0.14
98 Mick Malthouse St Kilda 7 0.14
98 Neil McMullin Melbourne 7 0.14
103 Kevin Moore Melbourne 8 0.12
103 Robert Neal Geelong 8 0.12
105 Chris Smith Fitzroy 12 0.08
106 Ross Abbey Western Bulldogs 22 0.05
107 Merv Keane Richmond 23 0.04
1973 AFL Player Rankings 1975 AFL Player Rankings
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