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Scott Maginness

Last played for Hawthorn Hawks in 1996
Born: August 2, 1966    
Playing Height: 190cm     Playing Weight: 90kg    
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Scott Maginness Biography

Monday, 2 December 2019
Finn Maginness says he is happy to have been drafted as a father-son selection by Hawthorn.

Finn's father, Scott Maginness, played in the Hawks' 1988 and 1989 premierships and made 131 senior appearances overall, while his grandfather Norm wore the colours 64 times in the 1950s.

Hawks national recruiting manager Mark McKenzie eased Maginness' nerves ahead of night two of the draft, when he told the gun teenager they would match any bid for him.

North Melbourne eventually did so with pick No.29 – and Hawthorn lived up to its promise.

"I was confident but still, when they bid on you, you do get a bit nervous," Maginness said.

"I wanted to come to Hawthorn, so I was a bit nervous, and the Hawks actually took a while to match it, so the longer it went, the more nervous I got. But it was relieving once they finally matched the bid."

Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Finn Maginness is expected to join Hawks as a father-son selection in the upcoming 2019 AFL Draft.

His father, Scott Maginness, played 131 games for the club, including their 1988-89 premierships.

"He plays like (Josh) Kennedy," one recruiter said of Finn.

"He's the player who will go and win the clearances and just keep doing it all day. He's big and strong for a midfielder of his age, and he even has that same hunched shoulders at times that makes him look like Kennedy. He should be a star."

Thursday, 3 October 2019
Hawthorn father-son prospect Finn Maginness, son of Scott Maginness, has continued his rise, with the midfielder starring in testing at the NAB AFL Draft Combine.

The midfielder clocked a 20-metre sprint time of 2.96 seconds, placing him among the leading players for speed in front of recruiters at Margaret Court Arena.

He then backed it up by reaching level 21.4 in the YoYo test, which is a measure of a player's aerobic running capacity. The gut-bursting run put him in the best handful of all participants at the Combine.

"It'd be a dream come true if I did play there, I've been going for the Hawks my whole life so it'd be absolutely awesome," Finn said.

"But I know there are 17 other clubs who can pick me up and I won't really know until draft night."

Monday, 8 April 2019
Hawthorn will have first access to improving midfield prospect Finn Maginness, the son of two-time Hawthorn premiership player Scott Maginness, as a father-son selection.

Some clubs have been impressed enough by Maginness to rate him inside the top-25 in the early stages of this season. The 18-year-old has played as an inside midfielder early in this year but is also adept as being a run-and-carry option.

"He spent 10 days with Hawthorn and they were rapt with him. The feedback we got from them was that he was comfortable within the group and everything they chucked at him he took it as a challenge," Sandringham Dragons talent manager Mark Wheeler said.

"His body's ready to play VFL now."

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