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Jeremy Sharp

Age: 22yr 10mth    Games: 35     Born: August 13, 2001     Origin: East Fremantle
Height: 189cm     Weight: 81kg     Position: Midfield
First Drafted: Round 2, Pick #27 2019 National Draft by Gold Coast Suns
Last Drafted: 2024 SSP Recruit
Supercoach Price: $404,300   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $725,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
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Jeremy Sharp Biography

Friday, 27 October 2023
Gold Coast delist Jeremy Sharp and Jake Stein.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Despite being involved in several potential deals during the 2022 AFL Trade Period, Jeremy Sharp will remain at Gold Coast in 2023.

Gold Coast list manager Craig Cameron said Fremantle's highest offer of a future third-round selection was not going to be entertained by the club.

"He's a contracted player who has only been with us for three years. We had to get something compelling to make us move, and I think in the end Fremantle prioritised other things. It appeared that [a future third-round pick] was their ceiling, but it certainly didn't get close for us," Cameron said.

Monday, 19 July 2021
Jeremy Sharp is the 2021 round 18 Rising Star nominee after tallying 30 disposals and a game-high 10 marks in Gold Coast's loss to the Dogs at Metricon stadium.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Jeremy Sharp makes his AFL debut for Gold Coast with 9 disposals (5 kicks and 4 handballs) and a mark in a 4-point loss to St Kilda.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Jeremy Sharp is confident of proving why the Suns paid such a high price for him.

During the 2019 AFL National Draft, the Suns exhanged a 2020 mid-first round selection (currently No.11) and a fifth-round pick (No.64) to Geelong in exchange for No.27, which they used to draft Sharp.

"I suppose it's a bit of weight on the shoulders. I was having a chat to (national recruiting manager) Kall (Burns) the other day and he said: 'We've picked you for a reason, so just embrace it and put your best foot forward'," Sharp said.

"I think I will and that's what I'll keep aiming to do, try and play round one and prove everyone wrong. It was a big trade, but I'll prove why it was a good one."

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