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Deven Robertson

Age: 22yr 11mth    Games: 43     Born: June 30, 2001     Origin: Perth
Height: 185cm     Weight: 84kg     Position: Midfield, Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #22 2019 National Draft by Brisbane Lions
Supercoach Price: $253,600   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $322,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
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Deven Robertson Biography

Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Deven Robertson undergoes surgery after playing in the Lions' Grand Final loss with a broken wrist.

Robertson suffered the injury in the preliminary final win over Carlton, but its full severity was only picked up in the post-season exit medical at the club.

Friday, 6 October 2023
Brisbane football manager Danny Daly says Deven Robertson was genuinely torn over his call to stay a Lion, reportedly for two more years, after considering a move to West Coast.

"He was to-ing and fro-ing. The opportunity to go back home and potentially settle straight into the West Coast midfield was probably enticing for him," Daly said.

"I've got no doubt during the last three or four days once the Grand Final finished that one minute he was West Coast, next minute he was us."

Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Deven Robertson's famous torn guernsey will live on, to raise money for a cause close to the heart of his Brisbane teammate Jarrod Berry.

Robertson, the 22-year-old Lions midfielder, turned into an overnight sensation in the round 23 win against Collingwood when he played for two minutes topless after having his guernsey ripped off.

The young West Australian saw his Instagram account skyrocket from 11,000 followers to in excess of 71,000 following the incident. He is now the most followed player on Brisbane's list.

Now the torn apparel will go to auction at Brisbane's Hall of Fame dinner on Wednesday night, with the proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).

Sunday, 22 March 2020
Deven Robertson makes his AFL debut for Brisbane at the MCG with 7 disposals (3 kicks and 4 handballs) and 3 tackles in a 28-point loss to Hawthorn.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Lachie Neale made a personal phone call to draftee, and new teammate, Deven Robertson after he was selected by the Lions in the 2019 AFL National Draft.

Neale had watched the teenage West Australian sit through the first night of the draft and go unselected, and knew how much a call would mean after a tough 24 hours.

"Having spent a bit of time in WA … I'd been tracking him a bit and saw him win the Larke Medal and thought he might be a bit of a player," Neale said.

"Fages [coach Chris Fagan] texted me and said we were a big chance to try and grab him and once we did I sent (personal excellence and wellbeing manager) Andrew Crowell a text and asked if I could give him a call to check in and welcome him.

"It means a bit more than just a text message."

Thursday, 28 November 2019
At the end of night one of the NAB AFL Draft, West Australian midfielder Deven Robertson was the only player invited who wasn't picked up. By his own admission, it was an embarrassing situation.

He almost flew back home but a message from dual Brownlow medallist Nat Fyfe, just one of many that came flooding in, helped him overcome the negative emotions after what he would have expected to be among the best nights of his life.

"He sent me quite a lengthy text and just said it's a little bump in the road and the really good players in the AFL breeze straight over it," Robertson said.

24 hours later, Robertson was picked by Brisbane with pick No.22 though he still admits it was difficult sliding down the order at the time.

"Being the only person left in the room and seeing all the other boys walk out on stage and not being up there obviously and having to go up to the hotel and do it all again today was very hard, but I'm on top of the world now. I can't wipe the smile off my face," Robertson said.

Friday, 2 August 2019
Larke Medal winner and draft prospect Deven Robertson will undergo a shoulder reconstruction.

"He dislocated his shoulder in the last game of the championship in the second quarter but played out the game, which is testament to his resilience and mental toughness," WA state talent manager Adam Jones said.

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