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Will Setterfield

Age: 26yr 4mth    Games: 71     Born: February 5, 1998     Origin: Sandringham Dragons
Height: 192cm     Weight: 87kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #5 2016 National Draft by GWS Giants
Supercoach Price: $505,100   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $858,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
Status: Knee injury, Expected return: 1 week   AFL Injury List
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Will Setterfield Biography

Monday, 10 October 2022
Will Setterfield joins Essendon after Carlton traded the midfielder, and pick 68, for a future fourth-round selection.

"We are thrilled to have Will join the club. We have rated Will highly ever since the 2016 draft, so to have him on board is fantastic," Essendon general manager of list and recruiting Adrian Dodoro said.

"Our objective for this trade period was to get a big-bodied inside midfielder and at 192cm, Will is exactly that."

Friday, 12 October 2018
The Giants trade Will Setterfield to Carlton.

The Blues sent their future second-round pick as well as pick No.43 in the 2018 NAB AFL Draft to GWS, in exchange for the 190cm on-baller and pick No.71.

"We kept a close eye on Will during the under-18 competitions and rated him really highly heading into the 2016 Draft, so we're rapt he'll pull on the navy blue next year," Carlton list boss Stephen Silvagni said.

"Unfortunately, in his first two years of senior footy he's had a tough run with injury, but with the addition of Andrew Russell to our high-performance team, we're confident we'll be able to get his body right and tailor a fitness program for him."

Monday, 8 October 2018
Will Setterfield nominates Carlton as his preferred trade destination.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Will Setterfield meets with Victorian clubs, including Carlton and Essendon, with the Giants' permission.

"He's obviously got two years to run as well (on his contract) and he's a highly touted junior," GWS list manager Jason McCartney said.

"Unfortunately he's just had a bit of a bad run, especially this year with an ACL injury. We'll just work through that over the next week or two."

Thursday, 16 August 2018
Victorian clubs are circling contracted Greater Western Sydney midfielder Will Setterfield.

Essendon and Carlton have emerged as suitors for the inside ball-winner who has been struck down by injury in his two years at the Giants.

Sunday, 25 February 2018
Will Setterfield will miss the 2018 season after confirmation that he ruptured his ACL in a practice match against Sydney. He will undergo a traditional knee recoinstruction.
Friday, 23 February 2018
Will Setterfield appears to have ruptured his ACL in a practice match against Sydney.

The second-year midfielder came from Henson Park during the third quarter with the left leg injury.

Sunday, 23 July 2017
Will Setterfield makes his AFL debut for GWS at the MCG with 12 disposals (8 kicks and 4 handballs), 3 marks and 6 tackles in a 19-point loss to Richmond.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Greater Western Sydney has locked away its top three 2016 draftees until the end of the 2020 season.

Teenagers Tim Taranto, Will Setterfield and Harry Perryman have wasted no time recommitting to the Giants, extending their contracts by two years apiece just 11 rounds into their first season in the competition.

Monday, 10 April 2017
Will Setterfield is set to miss 8-10 weeks with an ankle injury sustained while playing in the NEAFL.
Friday, 25 November 2016
GWS select Will Setterfield with pick No.5 in the 2016 National Draft.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Will Setterfield admits the prospect of being taken with the No.1 pick in Friday's NAB AFL Draft is adding a touch of anxiety to the biggest week of his football life.

"It would be a great honour to go No.1 but there's so many great players that could get picked first, so we really don't know what's going to happen," he said.

"I'm just looking forward to the night; if it happened it would be great, but if it doesn't I'm not too fussed.

"It's pretty exciting just thinking about training with AFL players and living in that elite environment, it's a great opportunity."

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